
Cool Weather Plants

Cool spring weather is a great time to plant peas, lettuce, spinach, cilantro, cabbage, onions, radishes, carrots, beets, arugula, and potatoes.  Most leafy vegetables or root vegetables can be planted 8 weeks or more before your last average frost date. 

Early spring is also a great time to plant fruit trees, berry bushes, strawberries and most other fruiting plants. 

Even if you get some snow all these plants should come through it just fine.

Arugula, cabbage, and onions in my portable 2' x 2' Square Foot Garden.  I take this garden with me to Square Foot Gardening classes
Peas in my on-the-ground Square Foot Garden
Spinach just coming up in my on-the-ground Square Foot Garden
All of these planted in March, made it through at least two snows and some rain just fine.

Peas, spinach, lettuce, arugula, and cilantro can also be planted about 6 weeks before the first fall frost.  As weather begins to cool in the fall, temperatures are again at the levels these plants prefer and it is likely you will be able to harvest a fall crop.

Edible Landscaping In The News

Edible landscaping is becoming better known and in the news more frequently.  Below are some recent news reports.  It isn't that edible landscaping is new but due to concern about the economy, the environment, food safety, and the desire to become more self sufficient the idea of using edible plants in the landscape is gaining popularity.  Edible landscaping once was the usual way of creating a landscape.

Plymouth Daily News

Seattle Times

Farm Carolina

Fox News

U-TSan Diego 

Pink Panda Strawberry